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Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) - Mindy Kaling This is the first book I read for the Bout of Books read-a-thon and unfortunately it was just meh as Tanya over at Mom's Small Victories put it. When I listed this book as one of my goals, Tanya commented on the post and I couldn't agree more. I think Mindy is funny but I wasn't laughing out loud at any parts. I think she is very relateable and someone that I would want to be friends with but I was looking for funnier stories. Or something. My favorite chapters were the "Best Friends and Responsibilities" and "Guys Need to Do Almost Nothing to Be Great." Once again, I think both of these chapters were very relateable and I agreed on a lot of her points. I think Mindy has great advice for the people who don't peak in high school (I thank God every day I didn't peak in high school) and is a good example of how far hard work and a sense of humor can get you. I'm not a huge The Office fan so maybe I missed some of the humor but I think memoirs like this tend to be disappointing in general for me. Everyone loved Bossypants while I was just "meh." I thought it was funny but I don't know what all of the hype is about. Overall, I love that women like Mindy and Tina make it cool to be the funny girl and if reading their books supports that, I'm all for it!