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Beauty and the Book

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A Million Little Pieces
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Mr. Maybe - Jane Green I hated this main character. She was superficial and an idiot. I couldn't cheer for her at all especially when she was so self involved while her friend was having troubles of her own. Yuck! P. 237
Dark Places - Gillian Flynn I hated every character in this book but overall enjoyed this very messed up story. P 342
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Re read 5/26/13. P 734
Canada - Richard Ford I went back and forth between a 2 and 3 but ultimately I was too bored for a 3. My favorite part of this book was the pov which was very unique and included interesting foreshadowing. p. 408
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Listening to this via book on tape for at least the third time. Reread 5/21/13 (317)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Listened to this on the way to the island for at least the fourth time in 08/09. Re-read 5/16/13.
Eldest - Christopher Paolini I was bored by the first 200 pages, interested in the middle, and enthralled during the last 100. I suspected some of the ending but it was well developed. I also started out hating roran but grew to really like him in the end. Looking forward to book 3! P. 607
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Listened to this on the way to the island for at least the fourth time in 08/09. Re-read 5/15/13
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald I thoroughly enjoyed this book. A very unique look at an interesting point in history through the eyes of the elite. I loved that Carraway saw through all of the prentenious things to the real people and judge them based on that.
Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West - Cormac McCarthy I hated this book! I was bored out of my mind and nothing happened. I understand some of the symbolism but it wasn't interesting enough for me to be intrigued. P. 344
Lover Eternal - J.R. Ward Didn't like this one as much as the first. The ending seemed rushed and I was a big fan of the low self-esteem/no one would ever want me main characters. Still love the brotherhood! P. 364
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake - Anna Quindlen I hated this entire book. Of the whole thing, I liked the last page the best. She wasted all of those pages preaching and quoting authors who are better than her. The last book I read was very entertaining but not written very well. This one was obviously written by a very intelligent woman who was extremely boring. I just can't win.
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell - Tucker Max This book was funny but I'd hate this guy in real life. Almost unbelievable but I've met people like him in college. P. 292
Girl Who Stopped Swimming - Joshilyn Jackson This book was very odd and the writing was not very good. Sometimes I found myself re-reading parts because I couldn't understand what the author was trying to say. Good plot with some unforeseen twists that didn't always flow very well. P. 228
Pretties - Scott Westerfeld I had a very hard time getting into this book. I hated pretty talk and didn't completely remember what happened in the first one. I also couldn't get into the relationship with Zane. I didn't care about him at all and wish she would have chosen David. I half expected Zane to be a bad guy the whole time. Plus, the savage tribe was random and not very interesting. I'm sure ill finish the series because I always do but I hope the last two are better. P. 183
On the Island  - Tracey Garvis-Graves I was a little hesitant of this book when I first started but I would definitely recommend reading it all the way through. Less Mrs. Robinson than I expected as the book went on.